City of West Sacramento
Home MenuImpact Fee Nexus Studies
Nexus studies are analyses that illustrate the connection between new development and its impact on city infrastructure and provide a justification for the proposed fee level, and the studies are an area where reforms could help to improve transparency and rein in excessive fees.
Book of Fees - Record of fees from each City Department.
Childcare Impact Fees - Childcare Impact Fees are supported by a Keyser Marston Associates study entitled Child Care Demand Analysis dated August 1994. In a follow-up review dated November 18, 2003, Keyser Marston Associates found the fee program identified in the study is still valid.
City Hall Facility Development Fees - City Hall Facility Development Fees are supported by a Nexus Study entitled Analysis of the Impacts of Development on Fire, Police and Corporation Yard Facilities by Citygate Associates, revised October, 2005.
Corporation Yard Facility Development Fees - Corporation Yard Facility Development Fees are supported by a Nexus Study entitled Analysis of the Impacts of Development on Fire, Police and Corporation Yard Facilities by Citygate Associates, dated June 1, 2005.
Drainage Impact Fees - Drainage Impact Fees are supported by a study entitled Southport Drainage Impact Fees by Borcalli and Associates dated July 2, 1996. Fees in this study were updated by a Borcalli and Associates report dated May 11, 2001, entitled Southport Drainage Master Plan and again by a Wood Rodgers technical analysis titled Southport Drainage Subbasin MC11, Analysis for Combining Drainage with Subbasin MC10, dated April 15, 2004.
Fire Facility Development Fees - Fire Facility Development Fees are supported by a Nexus Study entitled Analysis of the Impacts of Development on Fire, Police and Corporation Yard Facilities by Citygate Associates, dated June 1, 2005.
Flood In-Lieu Fees - Chapter 15.50 of the City of West Sacramento Municipal Code provides that developers demonstrate that, prior to occupancy, new structures have two-hundred-year flood protection through either: (i) the construction of flood improvements or other mitigation measures beyond those otherwise required by the City’s Flood Plan Management Ordinance (Title 18); or (ii) the payment to the City of an in-lieu fee. The various amounts of these in-lieu fees are supported by a study entitled West Sacramento Flood Protection In-Lieu Fee Study, by Economic & Planning Systems, dated April 11, 2007.
I-5 Subregional Corridor Mitigation Fees - Under this voluntary fee program, a project applicant whose project traffic reaches or exceeds the “threshold of significance” of 100 peak period automobile trips, and is not exempt from mitigation traffic impacts under CEQA, or due to a prior agreement with the City, may choose to pay the fee in lieu of preparing a traffic model analysis of the mainline freeway impacts. The various amounts of these I-5 Subregional Corridor Mitigation fees are supported by a study entitled Nexus Study for the I-5 Subregional Corridor Mitigation Program, by DKS, dated January 2016.
Park Impact Fees - Fees are supported by a PROS Consulting study entitled Parks, Recreation and Open Space Master Plan, dated October 2021, with development costs reflecting ENRCCI 6605. On July 31, 2003, the City Councils of both West Sacramento and Sacramento approved the Sacramento Riverfront Master Plan Update. The costs and associated fees have been updated based on the19 Interim Traffic and Park Impact Fee Study, prepared by the City of West Sacramento and Economic & Planning Systems, Inc. (dated February 2010).
Police Facility Development Fees - Police Facility Development Fees are supported by a Nexus Study entitled Analysis of the Impacts of Development on Fire, Police and Corporation Yard Facilities by Citygate Associates, dated June 1, 2005.
Sewer Connection Fees - The sewer connection fees are supported by the Wastewater System Master Plan 2015 Update, dated August 2017.
Traffic Impact Fees - Traffic Impact Fees are supported by a study entitled 2005 Traffic Impact Fee Study Update, prepared by DKS Associates and the Interim Traffic and Park Impact Fee Study, prepared by the City of West Sacramento and Economic & Planning Systems, Inc. (dated February 2010).
Water Connection Fees - The water connection fees are supported by the Water System Master Plan 2015 Update, dated August 2017.