City of West Sacramento
Home MenuAge-Friendly Action Plan
As a member of the AARP Network of Age-Friendly Communities, the City of West Sacramento is developing its first Age-Friendly Action Plan. This document, which is being drafted with substantial input from West Sacramento residents, will outline principles and projects designed to make West Sacramento more livable for its older residents, and in turn for all residents.
Read the Age-Friendly Action Plan here.
Read the Final Draft Age-Friendly Action Plan - Rich Text Format
City Council
Click here for links to City Council meetings where the Network of Age-Friendly Communities is on the agenda.Media
Read or view media coverage of the City’s Age-Friendly effort here.California Health Report, January 25 2017
Sacramento Bee, June 30 2015
AARP Interview with Mayor Cabaldon, September 2015
Mayor’s Presentation at AARP Livability Forum (June, 2015)Outreach
The City of West Sacramento and AARP are asking West Sacramento seniors of all backgrounds to identify the livability issues that are most important to them. The feedback the City receives will be used to inform the City’s first Age-Friendly Action Plan. The City is relying on a mix of in-person meetings, as well as phone and online surveys to help assure we reach as many seniors as possible. Results to date are summarized here:AARP Survey
In late 2015 AARP conducted a statistically-valid survey of 400 West Sacramento residents, asking them a variety of livability-related questions.Download
Margaret McDowell Manor Town Hall Meeting
On October 7, 2016 the Yolo Healthy Aging Alliance and the City of West Sacramento partnered to present a “town-hall” style meeting at the Margaret McDowell apartment complex.Download
Meals on Wheels Survey
In late October, 2016 the City collaborated with Meals on Wheels Yolo County to administer a survey to West Sacramento Meals on Wheels participants.Download
Utility Bill Insert/Phone Survey
In November/December 2016 the City distributed a utility bill insert inviting residents over age 45 to call and leave voice mail message indicating how the City could serve them better. (Messages were available in English, Spanish and Russian). The City received 46 responses with 50 separate improvement ideas.Download
Overview of Feedback to Date
This table places data from each of the outreach efforts to date side by side for ease of comparison.Download
Livability Index
While no statistical measure can completely capture a complex concept like livability, AARP’s online livability index tool is a great place to start a discussion about this important subject. Use the tool to see where West Sacramento stacks up compared to neighboring jurisdictions, or compare your city’s age-friendliness to any other cities. Click here to access the online livability tool.Learn More
To learn more about age-friendly issues, check out the following links.AARP Network of Age-Friendly Communities
World Health Organization Guide to Age-Friendly Cities
World Health Organization West Sacramento Profile